In the Church with Don Bosco, for the young and the least.

The Salesian Family is an ecclesial reality spread throughout the world 
bringing together 32 officially recognised religious institutions and movements 
inspired by the charism and apostolic mission of the Founder St john Bosco.

San Francesco di Sales

Inspirer of Salesian Spirituality

St John Bosco

Founder of the Salesian Congregation

Fr Ángel Fernández Artime

Rector Major, 10th successor of Don Bosco

Thought for the Day

Bees make honey from flowers without damaging them, leaving them fresh and untouched as they were found. True devotion does better because it doesn’t cause prejudice towards any occupation or calling, on the contrary it brings beauty and prestige.

XXVIII Group of the Salesian Family

Community of the Mission of Don Bosco (CMB)

V Group of the Salesian Family

World Confederation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco (EX/A-DB)

XIV Group of the Salesian Family

Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (SIHM)

VIII Group of the Salesian Family

Daughters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary (HHSSCC)

VI Group of the Salesian Family

World Confederation of Past Pupils of the Daughters of M.H. of C. (EX-FMA)

I Salesian Family Groups

Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB)

XII Group of the Salesian Family

Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians (MSMHC)

X Group of the Salesian Family

Apostles of the Holy Family (ASF)

IV Group of the Salesian Family

Association of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA)

XVIII Group of the Salesian Family

Catechist Sisters of Mary the Immaculate Help of Christians (SMI)

XXIV Group of the Salesian Family

Disciples (DISC)

XXVII Group of the Salesian Family

Sisters of Maria Auxiliatrix (SMA)

XXV Group of the Salesian Family

Canção Nova Community (CN)

XV Group of the Salesian Family

Sisters of Jesus the adolescent (IJA)

XX Group of the Salesian Family

Witnesses of the Risen Lord (TR)

XI Group of the Salesian Family

Sisters of the Charity of Jesus (SCJ)

XXII Group of the Salesian Family

Congregation of the Sisters of the Resurrection (HR)

IX Group of the Salesian Family

Salesian Oblates of the Sacred Heart (SOSC)

XXXI Group of the Salesian Family

Contemplative Fraternity of Mary of Nazareth (FCMN)

XIX Group of the Salesian Family

Daughters of the Queenship of Mary (DQM)

XXXII Group of the Salesian Family

Sisters Mediators of Peace (MP)

XXI Group of the Salesian Family

Congregation of St Michael the Archangel (CSMA)

XVI Group of the Salesian Family

Association of Salesian Women (ADS)

XXX Group of the Salesian Family

The Visitation Sisters of Don Bosco (VSDB)

XIII Group of the Salesian Family

Daughters of the Divine Saviour (HDS)

XXIII Group of the Salesian Family

Congregation of the Sisters Announcers of the Lord (SAL)

II Group of the Salesian Family

Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA)

III Group of the Salesian Family

Salesian Cooperators (ASC)

XXVI Group of the Salesian Family

Sisters of St Michael the Archangel (CSSMA)

XXIX Group of the Salesian Family

Sisters of the Queenship of Mary (SQM)


Continents we are active in


Groups of the Salesian Family


Religious and lay people involved