Fr Angel, the tenth successor of Don Bosco.

Fr Ángel Fernández Artime is the Rector Major of the Salesian Congregation.
Elected on 25 March 2014 during the 27th General Chapter, on 11 March 2020 he was confirmed in office
by the 28th GC as guide of the Salesians for a further six years from 2020-2026.

Fr Artime was born on 21 August 1960 in Cozón-Luanco, in Asturia, Spain; he made his first profession on 3 September 1978, and perpetual vows on 17 June 1984 at Santiago de Compostela, and was ordained priest on 4 July 1987 in León.
Originally from the Province of León, he gained his Degree in Pastoral Theology and Licenciate in Philosophy anf Pedagogy. 
He was Delegate for Youth Ministry, Rector of the school at Ourense, member of the Council and Vice-Provincial and, from 2000 al 2006, Provincial.


Further information

Strenna 2024

From the beginning, Don Bosco issued a "Strena" to his Salesian Family at the end of the year:
advice, a maxim, a program to remember and practice in the new year.
A custom that still today, every year, his successor donates to the Salesian Family.


Strenna 2023


Strenna 2022.

“Do all through love, nothing through constraint”


Strenna 2021

Mossi dalla speranza: «Ecco, io faccio nuove tutte le cose» (Ap 21,5)